A credit score is a number ranging anywhere from 300-900. Your credit score gives lenders a glimpse into your payment history and how well you have paid off your payments. Credit score is an important part of your financial life because good credit can save you hundreds of thousands of interest over your lifetime. If you are interested in knowing your credit score you are in luck, there are free online tools that you can use to check up on your credit. Read on to see a guide with images on how to set up a credit karma account and view your credit score.
Credit Karma is a free, reliable, and secure way to stay up to date on your credit score.
Now that you know your credit score, you should know what your score means.
If you have a lower credit score and want to increase it, check out this blog.
For now here are some quick tips to start improving your score.
We hope this blog helped you create a credit karma account. Now you can stay up to date with your credit information and work on improving your score if needed. If you’d like to chat about how to improve or establish your credit. Contact the Shopmortgages.ca team office at 519-250-4848.